Band yang tidak pernah merasa tua, Simple Plan bersiap merilis album ke-5 mereka pada bulan Februari 2016. Album baru yang akan dirilis berjudul “Taking One For The Team”.
Simple plan menggarap album barunya dengan sangat sabar, mereke mulai memasuki rekaman sejak dua tahun yang lalu. Dengan proses yang sangat matang, mereka tidak sabar untuk merilis dan membuat fans merasa puas dengan album Taking One For The Team.
It’s been a long journey and you have been extremely patient, so we are very excited to announce that our 5th album, “Taking One For The Team”, will be released on February 19th 2016! We have been working on these new songs for almost 2 years now and we cannot wait to share them with you. We all feel like this is our best album yet and there’s nothing better than knowing that, in a few months, you will be able to hear the final result.
Today, we’re also really stoked to reveal our album cover as well as the first set of dates of the “Taking One For The Team” World Tour. This is the first of many tour announcements coming in the next months, as we prepare to travel all over the world and play shows for all of you.
Thank you all for your amazing support. We can’t wait for you to finally listen to the new record and to see you on tour!
Pierre, Chuck, Jeff, Sebastien and David.
Nggk sabaran ane nunggu album nya