Band punk rock yang telah terbentuk sejak tahun 1983, NOFX merilis baru mereka “Oxy tolol” video musik. Lagu ini diambil dari album baru mereka “First Ditch Effort” bakal dirilis pada tanggal 7 Oktober 2016.

Anggota band: El Hefe – Guitar, Fat Mike – Vocals/bass, Eric Melvin – Guitar, & “Mel Yell” Erik Sandin – Drum
“Oxy Moronic” is an addictive punk rock anthem about the highs and lows of big pharma, from their upcoming album “First Ditch Effort.” – NOFX
Official Music Video : NOFX – Oxy Moronic
Lirik lagu
I’ve been called an OxyMoron
Because I question which drugs our war’s on
Why are there more drug stores than liquor stores you can score on
The healers have become the harmers
They’re just pharmaceutical farmers
What we used to call dealers
We now call doctors
I might be a CD Cynic
Cause that crack house is now a clinic
It’s time they change the name of the oath to
The hypocritic or the parasiticIt isn’t Adderalltruistic
By over prescribing
How can we fight them in a Suboxone ring
I’ll throw a Prozacuzation
With a Subketamining
They’ll say my fears are Quaaludacris
They should be Ativanishing
With every Demeroltercation
They’ll have a good Xanaxplanation
You’re just Cialistrated
Cause we made your dick deflatedIt’s OxyMoronic
It’s OxyMoronicIt should be doctors getting busted
For their Klonopinions we trusted
We’re not the sinners. They’re the ones
That served us the Vicodinners
I don’t want to be an alarmist
But in that harmacy there’s a harmacist
And those scripts are making us Paximple minded pacifistsIt’s OxyMoronic
It’s OxyMoronic
It’s OxyMoronicDon’t think that I AmBien crazy
The medical industrial complex
Keeps us Viagravated and hard to come
Because of Percosex
How can we Hydrocondone
Their blatant misconduct
They don’t care for patients
They care about pushing productAre you OxyMoronic
For wanting your daily chronic
And making your mom’s house hydroponic
You’re OxyMoronicI’ve been called an OxyMoron
For getting my metaphor on
Linoleum is a Flooron
I’m an OxyMoronIt’s time to be alarmed
We’re not being healed
We’re being harmed
Our country’s being factory farmed
It’s OxyMoronic
It’s time to sound to alarma
We can’t put our faith in karma
We got a common enemy
And they’re called Big PharmaAnd it’s OxyMoronic
And it’s OxyMoronic
It’s all OxyMoronic
It’s all OxyMoronic[Outro: Spoken]
Daily chronic, now most of your house is, okay
“Most of your house is” what does that even mean?
He’s turned most of his house into hydroponic
Why wouldn’t he have turned all of it into hydroponic?
Well cause he lives there
“Now all of your house is hydroponic”
Most is sappy
Really? It’s like saying maybe
How about “Now your mom’s house is hydroponic”
Yeah! That’s #@$ing way better
God you #*&%king woke up
Come on Mike, where you been
Where you been all month?
Tracklist Album: First Ditch Effort (2016)
1. “Six Years on Dope” 1:32
2. “Happy Father’s Day” 1:14
3. “Sid and Nancy” 2:22
4. “California Drought” 3:14
5. “Oxy Moronic” 3:56
6. “I Don’t Like Me Anymore” 2:30
7. “I’m a Transvest-lite” 2:16
8. “Ditch Effort” 1:47
9. “Dead Beat Mom” 2:18
10. “Bye Bye Biopsy Girl” 2:00
11. “It Ain’t Lonely at the Bottom” 1:33
12. “I’m So Sorry Tony” 3:18
13. “Generation Z”