Slipknot harus menunda tour mereka bersama Marylin Manson dan Of Mice & Men dikarenakan sang vokalis Corey Taylor mengalami masalah kesehatan. Tidak direncanakan sebelumnya, ia harus menjalani operasi spinal 4/6/16.

corey taylor operasi

Operasi tulang bekalang (spinal surgery) membutuhkan waktu penyembuhan yang cukup lama. Kemungkinan Corey Taylor akan kembali fit sampai dua minggu kedepan.

Corey menuliskan kepada fans dalam akun facebook Corey Taylor : A Message To Our Fans

“Regretfully, I’m sending this to our fans to inform you that we will be postponing the first couple of weeks of our upcoming U.S tour. Unfortunately, I had to undergo an unplanned spinal surgery. I am recovering nicely, and all went well! I need a little recovery time before hitting the stage. We will start the summer tour in Nashville on 6/28 and continue as previously scheduled. An update on the rescheduled dates will be available in the next few days. I hope you all understand and thanks for always having my back! Thank you”