Band pop-punk The Summer Set sepertinya nggak kuat dengan kriteria sebagai band punk, nyatanya ia tersadarkan oleh sesuatu yang dijadikan sebuah judul lagu “Figure Me Out”. Sebuah kutipan dari lirik :
I’m a bit too pop for the punk kids
Yup, The Summer Set merasa terlalu pop sebagai anak punk. Di satu sisi, mereka masih bingung saat mereka dibilang pop :
But I’m too punk for the pop kids
Nah, maunya gimana sih? mau pop atau punk?
Kalem tapi agak emosional, musik yang bagus dan ternyata liriknya juga ok! Kalau kalian penggemar musik seperti The Script, Owl City, atau Panic! at the Disco, yang sering memadukan piano, synthesizer, gitar dan drum, pasti langsung deh nggak sabar buat hunting album baru mereka.
Lihat nih gaya duduknya aja kayak Danny O’Donoghue,

The Summer Set
Ini nih single lagu terbaru The Summer Set – Figure Me Out yang dirilis akhir bulan Januari. Lumayan keren nih guys!
Nah, sementara, kita simak dulu lirik lagu Figure Me Out.
Lirik Lagu :
I’m a bit too pop for the punk kids
But I’m too punk for the pop kids
I don’t know just where I fit in
Cause when I open my mouth I know nobody’s listenin’To the words of a prophet
Who still can’t turn a profit
Cuz I don’t fit in with the in crowd
But I’m too Hollywood to go back to my hometown‘Cause they think that I’m famous
When I know I’m a fraud
Who got too f**ked up on the finer things
To remember who he forgotBut I believe there’s more to life than all my problems
Maybe there’s still hope for me to start again
I’ll get my feet back on the ground
And pull my head out of the clouds
I think it’s time for me to figure me outLet’s get back to the basics
And take it back to the basement
Where I heard Born to Run for the first time
And I stared at my dad in amazementHe said “Son, don’t stop chasing great and
Keep pounding the pavement
So I’d much rather die trying to make something sacred
Then live as another Youtube sensation‘Cause I hate that they’re famous
For being something they’re not
While I’m too hung up on the things I don’t have
To appreciate what I’ve gotBut I believe there’s more to life than all my problems
Maybe there’s still hope for me to start again
I’ll get my feet back on the ground
And pull my head out of the clouds
I think it’s time for me to figure me out
I think it’s time for me to figure me out
I think it’s time for me to figure me outSo if you hear this song turn it up real loud
Cuz it’s time for me to figure me outSo if you hear this song turn it up real loud
Cuz it’s time for me to figure me outI believe there’s more to life than all my problems
I just wanna fall in love before I’m dead
So I can make my parents proud
I hope my feet don’t fail me now
I think it’s time for me to figure me out
Satu single aja udah bikin kalian terlena sama lagu tadi, gimana dengan track lainnya yang telah disiapkan mereka… Saya kasih tahu, album terbaru mereka berjudul “Stories For Monday”
Tapi sabar, album tadi bakal dirilis 1 April 2016. So, stay tune… ntar kita kabari lagi. Sementara buat yang belum kenal sama band ini, lanjut ke : The Summer Set Pop Rock Band Easy Listening