Mungkin agak telat ngasih rekomendasi album terbaru Rivers of Nihil “Monarchy”, lagu-lagu di dalam album ini greget banget!
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Album “Monarchy” dirilis pada 21 Agustus 2015 sebagai suksesor dari album sebelumnya The Conscious Seed of Light yang dirilis tahun 2013.
Guitarist Brody Uttley mengungkapkan album “Monarchy” dibuat berdasarkan apa yang terjadi dalam kehidupan mereka. Ia merasa kehilangan beberapa teman akrab.
“I lost a few close friends. The loss of these people had a profound influence on the creation of the music for this record. I was having strong feelings of rage, sadness, hope, and frustration as a result. The songs turned out heavier, darker, sadder, and more frightening than I had ever hoped that they would.” kata Uttley “the emotional tension completely falls apart.“
RIVERS OF NIHIL memulai bermusik sejak tahun 2009, dan merilis debut EP, “Hierarchy“ dan merilis album “The Conscious Seed of Light” di tahun 2012 bersama Erik Rutan di Mana Studios in Florida. Sejak merilis album tersebut, bersama Metal Blade Records, RIVERS OF NIHIL mulai menaiki the global metal ranks dan mulai tampil di Death (DTA Tours) bersama Obituary, Whitechapel, Dying Fetus, Black Crown Initiate, plus beberapa show di New England Metal and Hardcore Festival.
“manage to do something unashamedly modern, and yet make death metal sound twisted and malevolent,” menurut Death Metal Review dan disebut sebagai debut terbaik band death metal “Definitely one of the best debuts to come out this year.“
Anggota band Rivers of Nihil
- Jake Dieffenbach – Vocals
- Brody Uttley – Lead Guitar
- Jon Topore- Guitar
- Adam Biggs – Bass/Vocals
- Dylan Potts – Drums