Sometimes the rock world can get noisy, and we don’t just mean in decibels or fuzz. Often the signal-to-noise ratio is more noise than signal. But no worries: We read, listen to and watch everything so we can sort it for you. Here are some of our favorite new songs and videos of July 2015 brought to you in partnership with our friends at CreativeLive.

Langsung saja kita simak Top 10 lagu terbaru bulan september 2015, must listen update rock alternative by CreativeLive.

BEACH SLANG – “Bad Art & Weirdo Ideas”

album : LP The Things We Do To Find People Who Feel Like Us.

Genre : Rock-dance

BETTER OFF – “Dresser Drawer”

Album : Dresser Drawer

Genre : Pop-punk, rockmantic (love song)


Album : Mengikuti jejak ‘THRONE’, ‘TRUE FRIENDS’ merupakan single ketiga dari album THAT’S THE SPIRIT

Genre : Rock, Alternative. Melodic Hardrock


CREEPER – “The Honeymoon Suite”

Album : (belum diumumkan)

Genre : Alternative Rock, Romantic Song

DEFEATER – “Penance”

Album: Still and True

Genre : Meledic Hardrock

FOXING – “The Magdalene”

Album : (belum diumumkan), tapi album ini sangat bagus guys.

Genre : Indie Rock.

FRNKIERO ANDTHE CELLABRATION – “Give Me Liberty, But Give Me Depth”

Album : belum diumukan oleh Frank Iero (ex My Chemical Romance)

Genre : Hardrock




Album : (belum diumumkan)

Genre : Pop-punk

SLAVES – “Winter Everywhere” (feat. Tilian Pearson)

Album : (belum diumumkan)

Genre : Rock

STATE CHAMPS – “Losing Myself”

Album : Around The World And Back

Genre : Pop-punk