Baru saja, sebuah lagu baru dari Again The Current dirilis dengan judul “Running With The Wild Things”
Sesuai dengan judulnya, musik yang dinyanyikan oleh Chrissy Costanza lebih liar daripada lagu-lagu sebelumnya.
Running With The Wild Things, kabarnya merupakan salah satu single yang ada di album ATC terbaru, yang mungkin akan segera dirilis di tahun 2016.

Pengamat musik Ali Shutler memprediksikan bahwa Against The Current bakal makin popular dan mendominasi musik dunia di tahun 2016.
As 2016 opens its doors, we’ll make sure you’re properly briefed on the acts who will dominate the next twelve months. They may mark themselves as outsiders, but if any band looks set for the top, it’s AGAINST THE CURRENT. – Ali Shutler.
Lirik Lagu Against The Current – Running With The Wild Things
Oo they don’t hear us
Read us bedtime stories from their textbooks
Oo try to reign us in
Blind to our intelligenceStandardization of the masses
Give us a number fail or pass us
Education, manipulation
Decide our fate but never ask usWe’re about to boil over
You can’t keep us down foreverWe got too big for the cage, you locked us up in
Let’s mark this down as the day, that we started something
So open the gate, open the gate cause when we
Finally escape, finally escape we’ll be
Tearing through the streets
Running with the wild thingsHey why you waiting
Quit carving notches to count the days ‘cause
They’re losing power
See ‘em growing weaker by the hourStandardization of the masses
Give us a number fail or pass us
Standardization of the masses
Give us a number fail or pass us
Education, manipulation
Decide our fate but never ask us
Education, manipulation
Decide our fate but never ask us